Are you holding your breath waiting for the launch of the ultimate fad diet, fitness craze or detox coming this spring? Sounds like a silly question right, yet year after year a new trendy "fad diet" hits the market telling us we should drink celery juice, take ashwagandha supplements, only eat green veggies and so on. Information and studies are pumped out about them claiming miracle results and we jump on the bandwagon. We stay on that bandwagon for about 2 weeks (if even) until we realize the band can't even play! Jumping off at the nearest exit we go about our lives, searching for the next thing... …that once again will disappoint.
I am now going to do you a huge favor and save you a LOT of time right here and right now! But, you got to take this serious. I truly mean this, I know what I am talking about: STOP LOOKING FOR THE NEXT DIET FAD!!! Ok?!! I am even throwing in some more exclamation points... !!!!!!!!!! Got it?! Really, stop looking!!!!!!
What you will learn in this article will tell you everything you need to know to actually start losing weight and keep it off once and for all! I promise, there is no magic, no pills, no juicer, or special magnetic bracelet involved. It is the exact same steps I took to lose 90 pounds safely, gradually, consistently. A journey to regain my life; to feel stronger and healthier than ever both mentally and physically. I did it, and so can you!

Most diets are unsuccessful over a long period of time
According to Robert H. Shmerling, MD. Harvard Health, in his article "When dieting doesn't work" (link) he says: "more than a third of Americans are on a specific diet, with weight loss as a leading reason. Most are going to be disappointed, because even when successful, lost weight is frequently regained within a few months". The same was seen in people that follow a diet for another health reason such as high blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes. One study referenced in the article looked at the Atkins diet, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, DASH, and the Mediterranean diet without any major variations:
"While weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol measures generally improved at the six-month mark, results at the 12-month mark were disappointing, to say the least" said R. H. Shimerling.
An average of 10lbs lost at the 6 month mark with most weight gained back in one year.
Blood pressure and cholesterol results improved modestly. One exception was that reduced LDL cholesterol levels while on the Mediterranean diet persisted at one year.

Clearly, it is not about the ultimate diet!
First, most diets are written for you to flip a coin over night and all of a sudden follow completely new rules and guidelines. Something your body and mind isn't used to and it feels very restrictive all the way down to deprivation (who wants that?!). Making most people to quit before they even get going. Less sugar, low carbs, vegetarian, high protein, no gluten, raw, juicing, counting calories, etc. etc. You get fatigue just thinking about what's cooking. Grocery shopping is different. Prepping is different... and it feels like everything takes forever and absorbs your entire day. Ultimately it is making you too tired to help you transform this into a lifestyle change. Many of my clients, including myself have tried several different diets in the past without success. A few pounds down and then frustration kicks in and you decide that it is better to be "overweight" than even try. It is simply too hard and COMPLETELY UNSUSTAINABLE! I am sure you have some experience trying this or that too.
My second point... diets are a total waste of time!!! If we are "only" to lose 10lbs in 6 months and gain it all back in a year, maybe even more. What is the point?! Restriction after restriction and by the time summer rolls in, burgers are on the grill with drinks in hand... then what are we to do?! Bring our own salad and grab a water bottle from the kids cooler? A lifestyle change includes you and what you want in life; the solution is not a diet!
Let me rewind for a second, when I was weighing in at over 215 lbs., completely lost after several failed attempts to either lose the weight or keep it away I decided I needed to do something different. I started to look at all the things I knew including food, nutrition, sport psychology, training professional dancers and athletes, and more to create a program that was doable, fun and sustainable. That is how HELSA was created. Clients today get to experience the same freedom and success that I did walking through all the steps each week. Weight loss, improved energy, increased flexibility and mobility, less pain, improved cholesterol levels, improved A1c levels and so much more! HELSA has become a true success story for everyone.
Did you know, that with HELSA you will actually lose up to 30lbs in 10 weeks instead of 6 months like most diets provide. Without a diet that is going to make you scream! Over 90% of our clients lose 1 to 4 pounds per week following their individual program and goals. The best part?! Once they have lost their desired weight, they are able to keep it off!

Are you ready to transform you life? Are you ready to transform your body and mind? Long lasting effects. Long lasting results. Sustainable. Something you can actually do. First thing to do is to throw any and all diet plans in the garbage and save the recipes that entice you. From today, right NOW, let's start right were we are... from scratch, shall we?! ***Jump of joy***
Let me ask you a few questions. Grab a pen and a piece of paper and write down the answers to the following three questions:
Where you are in life right now and how you feel about yourself?
What general thoughts and feelings do you often think about yourself?
What would you like to change? How would you like your life to be and how would you like to feel about yourself?
If any of the answers you gave had anything to do with your wellbeing both physically and emotionally, you are in the right place and I want you to join HELSA! Not tomorrow, not next week, TODAY! Let's get you started RIGHT NOW!

With HELSA you will succeed because it is all about YOU!
When you join HELSA and throughout your journey with us, everything you will be guided through will be based on where you are at each step. It is always based on now and where you want to go. We don't believe in giving the same guidelines for each and everyone that joins because there are too many different factors that plays a role in what makes you; YOU. This goes for food, nutrition, exercise, rest, and changes in your mindset. They all go hand in hand and therefore everything is modified to fit what that means for you. When we say that HELSA is a program that transform the entire person, we aren't just talking about your pant size. It is body, mind and soul. Wellness at its entirety.
Since we are talking specifically about diets and eating habits in this post, let's continue on the subject. Your current diet has a huge impact in how we will help you navigate into a healthier lifestyle and better relationship with food. If you can't eat kale there is no point in us telling you to eat kale. If you are a vegetarian, telling you to eat chicken won't do it either. If you eat a brownie for breakfast, lunch and dinner, telling you to quit the sugar will put you in a withdrawal state... a.k.a. not so desirable. You get the point don't you? The plan you get is based on... drum roll please... YOU!!!!
"I feel like I am truly making lifestyle changes and not pushing through like with other programs. I have lost 10lbs and sustained it for over 8 months, just what I wanted"! ~ Maria

HELSA is fun. It is sustainable. It is a journey to a new YOU!
With your membership you get a customized plan made for you by experts. Not randomized. Not computerized. Not in-a-box approach. It is truly based on you; what you want and where you currently are when you start and throughout the process. It will hold eating modifications, recipes, live and on-demand workout to chose from, mindset changes, and all that you need to succeed. Yes, off course some days you are just going to have to push through but it is designed as a transformation into a new version of you. I suspect it is a happier, stronger, and more confident version. Just sayin'
Where to sign up?! - Get the first 30 days for free*!
Get started on the new year, sparkle, eat, laugh and feel better each and every day.
I have made this super easy for you - Simply click here to register right away!
To read more go here
Then, head over and follow us on Instagram @HELSAFitness Join our Private Community on Facebook @HELSAFitness Get ready for fun! Get ready to transform!

xo Helena of Sweden @HelenaOfSweden
Helena Berggren
Enjoy the benefit of a Full Membership to HELSA Weight Loss and Fitness Program. After your first 30 days, you will be automatically signed up at the standard monthly rate ($30.00), unless you cancel before the free trial period ends (midnight Eastern Standard Time on the 30th day of your free trial). Thereafter, your membership will be automatically renewed at the standard monthly rate of $30.00 until you cancel. Available to new clients only. May not be combined with other offers.